Word counter

Simplifying word counts and more.


Titles, list items etc:
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0 sec
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Word Counter

Need to know how many words are in a piece of text? No problem - our word count tool is the perfect solution!

Our word counter takes things to the next level, too - giving you a character count, number of sentences, number of paragraphs, and even a total number of spaces in your text too!

How to Use Our Word Counter

If you need to know exactly how many words you’ve typed for that blog article, tweet, or project you’re working on - we can help! Or, maybe you’d like to know how many words are in a piece of text you’re pasting from somewhere else? Perhaps you’ve asked ChatGPT to create some text for you and you need to know it’s stuck to the length you’ve asked for?

Whatever your need, you don’t have to worry about counting words on your screen - our online word count tool will give you a perfectly accurate number in less than a second!

If you’ve already created your text, just copy/paste it into the text box on this page. Then again, you might decide to type directly into our text box - so you can count words as you type them.

When you’re finished typing or pasting, you’ll instantly see the number of words you’ve created - along with how many sentences and paragraphs, and a character count too, both with and without spaces.

Why not use the word count in the app I’m using?

You might be wondering why you should use a word counter when so many apps display word count next to the document you’re working on. The trouble is, these word counts vary significantly - and that matters for a variety of reason.

For example, Microsoft Word will say the first chapter of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone has 4,782 words - but Google Docs will say the exact same text has just 4,691 words.

This matters for a range of reasons. Perhaps you’re a writer and you charge per word. Then again, maybe you’re a student working on an important project that has a maximum word count. Equally, you might be trying to make sure you’re sticking to X’s (Twitter’s) tweet character count. There are lots of reasons you might want to be precise with your writing - you might even be creating a new website and making sure your page titles and descriptions fit within Google’s meta-description limits.

When the stakes are high, it makes sense to double-check with a trustworthy word counter tool.

7 Uses for a Word Counter Tool

Where else might a word counter be useful? Check out the following X uses for an online word counter tool and see which apply to you:

1 - Academic Writing

Planning an essay or dissertation? You might be looking at your topic and wondering how you’ll get to the word count needed - but when you start writing, you’ll find that all the words you’re typing add up quicker than you thought!

This can be a problem though. Typically, exceeding your specified word count will result in a 10% reduction in your final mark - so just a word can be the difference between getting the mark you want or not hitting the score you need.

Rather than leaving it to chance, a word counter will help you get your word count exactly right.

2- Content Creation for Digital Marketing

Blog writing, product review, and online guide writing can be great fun—especially if they’re for your own business or services—but be warned: There’s more to them than first meets the eye.

In today’s digital marketing world, almost everything published online should consider a handful of factors - is it valuable info? Will real people read it? And, crucially, will Google and other search engines recognize it as valuable and relevant information? When considering these factors, you need to think about “keyword density” - i.e., how many times the most important word appears in your text. You need to be careful, though; overdoing things can look spammy - so using a word counter and possibly a word frequency counter will help you balance digital marketing with readability.

3 - Book Writing

If you think that writing a book sounds easy, you might need to think again. While many people are gifted storytellers, getting your story into a book is a totally different ball game - especially because you’re required to keep the audience’s attention throughout.

Working to a word limit for each section of your book is a very good idea - as too is keeping a check on your average sentence length. Little factors like these might go by the wayside when you’re in a creative flow - but when it comes to reading time, they’re big factors in whether or not your book lands well with the intended audience.

Writing legal documents is a very specialist task that often requires concise and precise language - so it’s well worth using a word and sentence counter to make sure your writing style is appropriate.

It’s also a very good idea to use tools that detect grammar mistakes when creating legal documents too - especially because your writing could be scrutinized in court should there be any misunderstanding!

5 - Journalism

Journalism requires more than just excellent research skills - you’ve also got to be a very precise wordsmith. For example, your article might need to fit into a very precise physical space in a magazine or newspaper. Then again, you might need a headline or introduction that grabs your audience without going over certain character counts.

This is where a word counter becomes an essential tool. There’s no room for format or writing mistakes when thousands of people will be reading your work!

6 - Blog Writing

Did you know there’s an idea blog length? Now, what that length is depends on what you’re writing. For example, a quick grilled cheese recipe might only require 200-300 words - whereas a deep dive into a financial product might warrant 10,000 words or more.

This is where marketing specialists and their expert knowledge are essential - but when it comes to putting the words together, you want to make sure your blog is appealing to your readers - and word count will be a big part of that.

A good blogger breaks their task down before they start, deciding on how many words they should use in each section. A good word counter will help you to make sure you’re hitting the exact numbers - keeping your digital marketing team happy!

7 - Freelance Writing

Lots of freelance writers have a “per word” rate when they put together copy for a client. Because of this, being precise with your word count is vitally important - after all, it’s money in your pocket!

For example, say you write 2,000 words every weekday. If your word count isn’t accurate and you miss just 100 words off your bill, that adds up to a huge 26,000 words over the course of a year. Sure, it’s great value for your clients - but you’re missing out on money you’ve earned!

Double-checking your copy with a word counter takes less than a minute - which is the time when you’re paid per word!

What’s the Difference Between Word and Character Counts?

Our online tool for checking word counts also has a “character count” feature too - so what’s the difference?

Well, a character is just one letter, number, or punctuation mark. For example, the sentence Hello! It’s nice to meet you! It is made up of 6 words - but contains 24 characters and 5 spaces - so it takes up a total of 29 character spaces in a line of text.

It’s useful to understand the difference, especially when dealing with words of significantly different lengths. In these cases, character counts are often a better measure. For instance, Hello! It’s nice to meet you! is, as you know, 6 words with 24 characters - but Hello! Welcome to the Astrophysicists Conference! is also 6 words - but is a total of 44 characters taking up 49 characters in a piece of text - making it almost double the length of the other 6 word sentence!

When you’re working with limited space, character count becomes very important!

Our Auto-Save Feature

If you’re typing directly into our word counter tool, you’ll be relieved to hear that we have an autosave feature that will keep your text in the window - even if you go away from the site and come back later.

Other word counters don’t always have this feature - so it can be frustrating to find that you’ve worked hard on some text, only to close the tab and lose your writing.

As long as you don’t clear the cache or cookies in your browser, your text will remain - so you can keep working and we’ll keep word counting!

Ready to Get Started?

Just paste or type your text into the box at the top of this page, and we’ll do all the word, character, sentence, and space counting for you!